Digital Marketing within Educational Industry

Attract your ideal student

Nowadays, teenagers and young people who could be students of your institution know everything about you, even before you get to talk about your academic offer. Why? Because we live in an era where the Internet serves as an extremely popular reference portal. The marketing strategies that will work from now on are not those that use all the advertising media, but those that know how to be just in the right media. It's about knowing how to be present, that's the key.

For this reason, Digital Marketing becomes a powerful option for the attraction and conversion of prospects to students. However, implementing digital marketing tools does not guarantee success. As in everything, you must have a strategic methodology of attraction, conversion and closure. This is when the so-called Inbound Marketingcomes into play, which collects all the tools of Digital Marketing aimed at generating qualified prospects who can later become students of your educational institution.

Do you want to attract students to your school or university?
How much are you doing to achieve it?

Inbound Marketing is just what your educational institution needs

You should take that step, and you must do it now. Change your traditional marketing strategy to one of Inbound Marketing, that is, change your intrusive marketing strategy to one of attraction marketing. Inbound Marketing attracts students because from the beginning it generates value, accompanies them in the decision process of their next school or university, responds to all their concerns and provides them with the necessary tools to make the best decision. This is how it is: if you generate value, automatically, you will attract many more prospects.

As if that is not enough, in addition to attracting more prospects for your school or university, you can recover what you invest in Inbound Marketing. Why? Because this new Digital Marketing trend has the necessary tools to measure, evaluate and analyze the sales funnel (website traffic, prospects and customers) and because the entire marketing strategy is totally oriented and optimized for the attraction, generation and conversion of prospects.

Schools that use Inbound Marketing are seven times more likely to achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) than those that use traditional marketing.
Source: Hubspot

Likewise, the followers and applicants coming from an Inbound Strategy are three times more qualified, which translates into a higher conversion rate from prospect to student.

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